Sunday, May 25, 2008


today we will go for the first scan and antenatal checkup for ammar at dr hamid's.. nervous gak since with dr suriati aritu nampak karung je, ammar lom dunno what's gonna happen today..hopefully everything will be fine..and we can come back with ammar's first pic to show nadhirah, that she is no longer 'adik'..huhu..sedih, kesian nad..after all these years of being the only one, the addition of ammar will put her at second place..really hope i will be able to love and care for both without nad feeling replaced or upset with the attention i am gonna give to ammar..

still got morning sickness trying to listen to MorningWell harm in trying..ok gaks this CD, although i do think any good song can distract you from the sicky feeling..anyway, thank god my nausea this time is like 1000 times less than when i was carrying nad.. every time i had to vomit and feel nauseous, i remember those dark times pre-nad and thank god it was not that bad..that lessens the pain actually, just thinking about those times when i cant even drag myself out of bed..cannot even comb my hair, wear my own clothes, without passing out or vomiting..hopefully those days are over and i won't have to go thro' it again..

nawal got lunch date today so he might be a bit late to my surprise there as he is always late to almost everywhere.. the joke is he will be late for his own funeral, which i usually mention to him and laugh about it in his face when i am angry with his tardiness..and it is something he does not take very kindly..especially since i am always counting his prudential bsn death benefits/etc when i am angry..hehe..a mom got to do what a mom's got to do..protect the children la if anything bad happens..betul tak

oklah pening balik daa kepala aku..gotta catch some sleep now..SK ni datang plak menyibuk nak tanya soalan..bosan betul..

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