Friday, May 30, 2008

ezam back in umno

it is a bit disturbing to see ezam back into umno. .(or is it just my pregnancy hormones)..why ezam why?..cant believe after all these years of struggle and a lot of sacrifice on his part, he went back to be with Mr Evil.. more disturbing to see power- hungry nallakarupan next to ezam being used by them to fight anwar later..don't think ezam is that dumb.. i know he has some issues with azmin..and anwar did not back him up during those power struggle days (nor did he backed azmin)..but that cannot be the reason to go back to umno to show that you are still relevant or important, childish ler plak coz of keci kati or personal problem sanggup sacrifice bangsa and agama...also because as far as the public is commoners..umno itself is already is ezam out of his mind..

dunno also why sayuti omar really dislikes husam..i read his blog..and he keeps mentioning budak baju kotak2 merah.. i like husam very much but after all his posts, i am a bit skeptical now about husam's agenda, etc..or is sayuti himself jealous of husam and trying to drag other people to feel the same..honestly, i feel husam is someone who will be our future leader..i still like mohd ammar to become MB though..maybe husam can be deputy MB because despite his charisma, he is not from a religious academic background..and that is an important thing for a PAS ensures the leaders cannot be bought, etc as compared to those from PKR or whatsoever..

happy birthday my dear Nadhirah

Happy 2nd birthday my dear daughter...sorry mommy has not gotten u anything this afternoon because mommy ain't feeling very well these days..mommy cannot drive to midvalley alone because of the nausea.. i promise u i'll get you your presents tomorrow or another day when mommy can finally regain the energy back after this terrible first you always...

Thursday, May 29, 2008

preggers and counting...

7 more months before nad becomes a big sister..and before i can be myself again without all these nausea..seriously this thing is killing me real softly..hate having to puke every morning and evening and all the time..whoever called it morning sickness should be sued for misleading the is all-day sickness to be exact, 24-7..dunno how i can go thro' this for the next 7 mths..all the sickness making me weaker physically..but as it prolongs it has indeed affected me mentally and emotionally..

got to go..boss needs someone to watch him during our agc online process..yday scada online causes problems in rtnet and rtca and he's thinking to try switching the master machine and check if the same problem occurs..honestly, i don't agree with him because the problem seems to be with rtnet and better look into these two before going further..but anyway, with all this nausea i better keep my mouth shut and let him do it..

tata..has to drag myself to midvalley afterwards..not that i want to..but nad's bday is tomorrow..and surely a good mom has to buy her some pressies?..see i am a real good mom..nauseating my way to the shopping complex juzz for her delight.. hope i won't faint on the way to elc though ..thought of buying her baby millie to prepare her for little ammar coming soon..and vtech alphabet desk to teach her ABC the fun way..or maybe the vtech caterpillar..bon weekends y'ols!!

Monday, May 26, 2008

there really is a baby in there!!

went to see dr hamid yesterday.. ticked off nawal for being tardy(again!!) because i was to be seen last in the list..we went at 2.30..dr hamid could only see me at 4.00..anyway, to my relief, he showed us that there is a real breathing being in the amniotic sac..finally!!..after all those weeks seeing a sac only..cant believe i am going through this again!!..huhu..very happy but scared at the same time..two kids to take care of in 7 mths..woohoo..interesting & challenging but will i be able to cope?or will i burn out in the end?

the next question will be.maid or no maid..nawal says a no-no on this issue..however, i am the one who will be doing the breastfeeding, waking up at nite, etc so of course i am the one who will suffer most later.. maybe i have to do some paperwork to persuade him to have a maid, instead.. i am tired of fetching nad from the nursery and seeing how tired she looks, her lack of sleep, with bruises, with cold, etc..

ok i will do the paperwork to convince's an important we need to plan now and start searching..

Sunday, May 25, 2008


today we will go for the first scan and antenatal checkup for ammar at dr hamid's.. nervous gak since with dr suriati aritu nampak karung je, ammar lom dunno what's gonna happen today..hopefully everything will be fine..and we can come back with ammar's first pic to show nadhirah, that she is no longer 'adik'..huhu..sedih, kesian nad..after all these years of being the only one, the addition of ammar will put her at second place..really hope i will be able to love and care for both without nad feeling replaced or upset with the attention i am gonna give to ammar..

still got morning sickness trying to listen to MorningWell harm in trying..ok gaks this CD, although i do think any good song can distract you from the sicky feeling..anyway, thank god my nausea this time is like 1000 times less than when i was carrying nad.. every time i had to vomit and feel nauseous, i remember those dark times pre-nad and thank god it was not that bad..that lessens the pain actually, just thinking about those times when i cant even drag myself out of bed..cannot even comb my hair, wear my own clothes, without passing out or vomiting..hopefully those days are over and i won't have to go thro' it again..

nawal got lunch date today so he might be a bit late to my surprise there as he is always late to almost everywhere.. the joke is he will be late for his own funeral, which i usually mention to him and laugh about it in his face when i am angry with his tardiness..and it is something he does not take very kindly..especially since i am always counting his prudential bsn death benefits/etc when i am angry..hehe..a mom got to do what a mom's got to do..protect the children la if anything bad happens..betul tak

oklah pening balik daa kepala aku..gotta catch some sleep now..SK ni datang plak menyibuk nak tanya soalan..bosan betul..